India’s Turmeric Industry Gets a Boost: National Turmeric Board Launched....
In the latest update, the Indian government has recently launched a National Turmeric Board. This big step has been quite enthusiastically announced by the Union Government as Indi....
Indian Wheat Reserves Running Low While Rice Stocks Reach a Record High....
India's rice stocks reached a new high at the start of January, eight times the government's target, while wheat stocks continued to fall as traders urged the government to increas....
Brazil Expects a Bumper Corn Crop This Season....
According to a recent report, Brazil's summer corn crop may break production records after growing regions experience favorable weather, as analysts look for new export prospec....
Ukraine's Grain Exports This Season Are Over 20% Higher Than Last Year....
As per data from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ukraine has exported 21.256 million tons of grain since the start of the marketing year, a 21.57% increase from the previous year.....
Morocco Lifts Import Tariffs, Taxes on Rice to Maintain Market Prices....
Morocco's Ministry of Industry and Trade has made an announcement that it will eliminate VAT and tariffs on rice imports to boost market supply and lower prices. Change i....
India’s Turmeric Industry Gets a Boost: National Turmeric Board Launched....
In the latest update, the Indian government has recently launched a National Turmeric Board. This big step has been quite enthusiastically announced by the Union Government as Indi....
The Government Plans to Bring in a New Agriculture Export Policy....
According to three individuals directly involved in the process, India's Agricultural Export Policy (AEP), which has been in place for six years, is about to undergo a revision....
Govt. Fixes a 22.5 LMT Monthly Domestic Sale Sugar Quota in Jan’ 25....
The Food Ministry said in a December 26 announcement that the monthly sugar quota for January 2025 would be 22.5 lakh metric tonnes (LMT), less than the amount allotted in January ....
India's Rice Exports Surge after Lifting Restrictions....
After the government lifted most of the restrictions on the shipment of rice a few months ago, India's exports of agricultural and processed food products increased by more tha....
Russian Government Extends Ban on Rice Exports to July 2025....
The export ban on rice and rice-related products, with the exception of rice seeds, was extended by the Russian government on Tuesday for an additional six months, until June 30, 2....